
Welcome to our blog!

Our Family

Welcome to our family of three! Our names are: Lucas (aged 7), Naomi (aged 11), and Andrew (aged 37.) We like to have family fun with each other by watching movies. So, we thought, why not start a film blog? We want to share our favourite movies and films with all of you guys, so we started this website. Every time we watch a movie, we will share with you all of our thoughts and feelings; as a challenge, we each will describe the movie in three words and rate it out of 10. Stay tuned!!

Early Man

Date Watched: 29th April 2020

Place Watched: Home, via Amazon Prime

Rating: PG

Lucas: old, ridiculous, humorous – 6.5/10

Naomi: comical, family-friendly, funny – 8.5/10

Andrew: stop-motion, football-themed, fun – 7.5/10

Brims Overall Score: 7.5

Sonic the Hedgehog

Date watched : 21st Feb 2020

Place watched : Vue Cinema, Purley Way, Croydon

Rating: PG

Sonic the Hedgehog is a movie perfect for the family with many comedy elements as well as action. It stars Ben Schwartz (Sonic) and Jim Carrey (Dr. Eggman), as well as many other incredible people.

Lucas: quick (sonic and tails), evil (egg man), lots of mushrooms (mushroom land) – 10/10.

Naomi: funny, action-packed, family-fun – 9/10

Andrew: zany, ridiculous, fun – 8/10

Brims Overall Score: 9/10

The Sting

Date Watched: February

Place Watched: Home, via Youtube

Rating: PG

This clever movie stars: Paul Newman (Henry Gondorff), and Robert Redfort (Johnny Hooker); there are many cunningly thought out plot twists throughout the whole picture. This leaves the audience intrigued.

Lucas: gory, frightening, slushy – 8.5/10

Naomi: cunning, clever, plot twists – 9/10

Andrew: classic, smart, charming – 10/10

Brims Overall Score: 9.2/10

Back to the Future 3

Date Watched: 7th February 2020

Place Watched: Home, via YouTube

Rating: PG

This amazing movie is the finale of the epic ‘Back to the Future’ trilogy series. Starring Michael J. Fox (Marty Mcfly), and Christopher Lloyd (Dr Emmett Brown), it is an action packed film, about Doc and Marty’s last adventure together. Unfortunately, this is where the series ended, but we highly recommend it, along with its prequels.

Lucas: western, cool, slushy – 10/10

Naomi: amazing, extreme, finale – 9.5/10

Andrew: classic, retro, charming – 9/10

Overall Family Score: 9.5/10

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